Welcome to my Sometimes Blog! This is a place where I come to write and think about things that I find interesting, and I hope you too will find your imagination skipping alongside mine.

My blog is where I delve into the fascinating world of a literary wonderland, a place of mystery and creativity. If you are craving a little imagination and thought provocation then you are in the right place. Below you will find my Blog which you can sign up to in order to receive updates. I write about everyday things that seem interesting to me at the time, and I hope they will also inspire you.

I have a Book Shop on this website where you can purchase a copy of my memoir “The Girl in the Mirror“ and the later edition of this memoir, “Angel in the Mirror: Road to Recovery”

I also have a little Art Gallery where you can see some of my artworks, mainly watercolour paintings and oil pastel drawings at this stage. In the not too distant future I will set up the art gallery so that works can be purchased online as well, directly from me.

If at any point you feel lost on my website, simply click the ‘Welcome to Sometimes’ link at the top and bottom of each page to take you back to this Blog page.

Please enjoy my blog and have fun exploring my site.